Procurement #149710

Woodmark Warehouse Racking ***Bid Closed No Award***
Cherokee Nation Businesses, LLC, a wholly-owned tribal company of the Cherokee Nation, is seeking bids for a warehouse racking supplied and installed at Woodmark Warehouse, 950 Main Parkway, Tahlequah, Ok 74464
Cherokee Nation Businesses, LLC, a wholly-owned tribal company of the Cherokee Nation, is seeking bids for a warehouse racking supplied and installed at Woodmark Warehouse, 950 Main Parkway, Tahlequah, Ok 74464 Woodmark Shelving Scope Supply • Quantity - 153, 20’ Uprights • Quantity - 568, 8’ beams with 2,500 LB capacity • Quantity - 568 Wire waterfall decking Install Eight rows of shelving will be installed east to west in approximately 150’ rows. • Install five rows with 14’ aisles. • Install three rows on a different wall with 14’ aisles. • All 20’ uprights must be securely bolted into place on the floor. • Place 8’ beams 8’ apart, creating two shelves per rack. • 568 Wire waterfall decking will be placed on final shelving set-up across 8’ beams Mandatory prebid meeting 10:00 AM Feb 10, 2022. Due to COVID mask must be worn on CNB property at all times. All bids due 1:00 PM Feb 17, 2022 PLEASE SUBMIT BIDS TO Sherrie Larsen Via email to: Bids received after the bid closing will be rejected. It is the intention of Owner that if an acceptable proposal is received, the selected firm will be notified in writing within 10 business days of bid opening. Any bid received after the time set for opening of Bids, shall not be considered and will be returned. It is the intention of CNE that if an acceptable bid is received, the Contract will be awarded by within 30 days of bid opening. Please note that winning the bid(s) will be published. CNE reserves the right to issue one award, multiple awards, or reject all bids. All bids are subject to negotiation prior to award. Awards may be issued without discussion of bid received, and bids should initially be submitted on the most favorable terms from price and technical standpoint. Any award resulting from this Bid/Proposal will be subject to CNE Terms and Conditions. Your bid should indicate hourly ($) rate (when applicable), individual work effort, delivery schedule or time of completion. Any item(s) with exceptions, substitutions, exclusions, additions or qualifications must be noted and clearly indicated on return bid. This procurement is subject to Cherokee Nation Tribal Employment Rights Office ("TERO") regulations that include a fee of ½ of 1% of total contract award and, if applicable, the completion of a TERO Labor Agreement and payment of associated fees. The successful bidder's award will be published on the Cherokee Nation's procurement website and their performance will also be measured, recorded, and reported to the Cherokee Nation. The complete Act is available by contacting the TERO OFFICE at Tahlequah 918-453-5000. TERO bidders are required to provide a copy, front and back, of their TERO certificate with return bid(s) and failure to do so will result in such bidders not receiving the TERO preferences afforded TERO bidders under the CNE procurement and contracting policies and procedures.
Name:sherrie larsen
Cherokee Nation Entertainment