Procurement #150878
- Title
- Solicitation 2023-001-024-Storm Shelter-Various Counties
- Status
- Archive
- OpenDate
- 03/13/2023
- CloseDate
- 03/20/2023
- Description
- Above ground storm shelters in various counties.
- Detail
- The Housing Authority of the Cherokee Nation is seeking competitive proposals for the Installation of Storm Shelters (Above Ground) located in various counties within Cherokee Nation 14 county Reservation. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all labor, materials, administration, services, supplies, equipment and transportation. The CONTRACTOR shall complete the job within the allotted timeframe and for the agreed shelter amount.
Name:Whitney CochranEmail:whitney.cochran@hacn.orgPhone:918-456-5482
- Cherokee Nation Housing Authority
- Awards
- Multiple Vendors -- $0.00